职务: | 副总工、实验室主任 |
邮政编码: 100190
2、1992,BISE Ada VAX/GW 交叉编译系统, 国家科技进步三等奖。
3、1993,VAX Ada 程序设计环境的分析和开发, 科工委科技进步三等奖。
4、1994,Ada软件库-ASR 的消化移植和改进, 科工委科技进步三等奖
5、1996,基于MOTIF的用户界面生成系统, 科工委科技进步三等奖
6、1996,可重用部件库管理系统的研制开发, 科工委科技进步二等奖
Qing Wang, et al, An Empirical Study on Establishing QuantitativeManagement Model for Testing Process, ICSP2007, Minneapolis, US, Springer LNCS4470. p.233, 2007.5.
Da Yang, Barry Boehm, Ye Yang, Qing Wang, and Mingshu Li, Coping with theCone of Uncertainty: An Empirical Study of the SAIV Process Model , ICSP2007,Minneapolis, US, Springer LNCS 4470. p.37, 2007.5.
Qing Wang, et al, BSR:A Statistic-based Approach for Establishing andRefining Software Process Performance Baseline, ICSE'06, Shanghai.China,pp. 585-594, 2006.5
Qing Wang, et al, A Process-Agent Construction Method for Software ProcessModeling in SoftPM, SPW/ProSim 2006, Shanghai China, Springer LNCS 3966. pp.204-312, 2006.5
Qing Wang, et al, Practical Experiences of Cost Schedule Measure throughEVM and SPC, Process Modeling in SoftPM, SPW/ProSim 2006, Shanghai China,Springer LNCS 3966, pp. 348-354 , 2006.5.
Qing Wang, et al, Software Process Management Practices in China, SPW2005,Beijing China, Springer LNCS 3840, p.317-331, 2005.5.
Qing Wang, et al.Measuring and Improving Software Process in China, ISESE2005, Hoosa Head, Australia, pp.183-192, 2005.11
Liu xia, Qing WangStudy on Appliance of a Quantitative Evaluation Approachfor Software Architecture Adaptability, QSIC-2005, Melbourne Australia, p.265-272, 2005,9
Xiao Junchao, Qing Wang, Contract-Driven Cooperation Development Processfor Software Outsourcing, SOAIC-2005, Shanghai China, pp. 1104-1108, 2005.7
Wang Qing, Li Mingshu, An Active Measurement Model for Software ProcessControl and Improvement. Journal of Software, pp.407-418 2005.3.
Wenjie Li, Mingshu Li, Qing Wang, Yongji Wang ,VICOS: A Framework forSession Management in Network Computing Infrastructure, 2004 IEEE InternationalConference on Services Computing, Shanghai, China, pp.647-650, 2004.9
Zhao Xinpei, Li Mingshu, Wang Qing,etl. An Agent-Based Self-AdaptiveSoftware Process Model, Journal of Software, Vol.15, No.3, pp.348, 2004.3
Wang Qing, Li Mingshu, Mearsurementof Software Requirement Based on SPC, Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.26,No.10, pp.1312, 2003.10
Li Ming-shu, Wang Qing, Software Quality Management Based Process Control,ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.30 No.12A, pp. 2032. 2002.12.
Qing Wang, Xufang LAI,Requirement managementfor the Incremental Development Model,APAQS 2001,HongKong, pp.295-302, 2001.12.
Xiaogang Zhang, Mingshu Li, Qing Wang. "A Browser/Server – based DistributedMIS Solution for ASP". SCI 2000 and ISAS 2000.Orlando,Florida US, pp.I-219, 2000.7
Liao Yuan,Wang Baojin, LiMingshu, Wang Qing,Design and Implementing of intelligent application serverprotocol iASP, Computer Engineering and Design, Vol.24, No.12, pp.13, 2003.12.
Li Wenjie, Wang Qing, Design of Message Queue Based on Application ServiceSystem, Computer System&Application , pp17, 2003.6.
Li Wenjie, Wang Qing, Study ofembedded operating system for thin client, Computer Engineering and Design,Vol.24, No.4, pp.1, 2003.4.
Zou Yong, Li Mingshu, Wang Qing, Analysis for Scheduling Theory andApproach of Open Real-Time System, Journal of Software, Vol.14, No.1, pp.83,2003.1
Shu Guoqiang, Wang Qing, A NovalSolution of Embedded Host Controller in Real-Time SAR Imaging System, Journalof Computer research and Development, Vol.40, No.1,pp.33, 2003.1.
Wang Qing, Zou Yong, etl, A Real-Time System Solution Supporting Real-TimeImaging of High Resolution of SAR, Journal of Computer research and Development,Vol.40, No.1, pp.39, 2003.1.
Zou Yong, Li Mingshu, Wang Qing, A Real-Time Computation Model for theHost of an Airborne DSP System, Journal of Computer research and Development,Vol.40, No.1,pp.47, 2003.1.
Jiang Hui, Wang Qing, Software Collaborative Working Model forOutsourcing, Computer Engineering and Design, Vol.24, No.1, pp.1, 2003.1.
Zou Yong, Wang Qing, Li Ming-shu, Research and Implementing of Real-timeSupport of Linux Kernel, Computer research and development, Vol. No. 4. pp.466, 2002.4.
Jiang Hui, Wang Qing, Li Wen-jie, A ISO9000-based Implement Model onSoftware Organization, Computer Engineering & Design, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 26,2002.3.
Lei Hui, Li Huai-zhang, Wang Qing, Study on Software RequirementsManagement Based on ISO9001 and CMM, Computer Science, Vol.29,No.2, pp.87,2002.2
Liu Xia, Li Huai-zhang, Wang Qing, Li Ming-shu, Research on the Modelingof Requirement Development and Requirement Management Based on ISO9000 andCMMs, Microelectronics & Computer, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 50, 2002.2.
Lai Xu-fang, Wang Qing, SPC inSoftware Quality Management, Computer Science, Vol.29 No.2, pp.94. 2002.2.
Wang Qing, Application of Modern QualityManagement Theory in Software Organizations, Computer Engineering andApplication, Vol.37, No.12, pp.71, 2001.12.
Qing Wang, Solution of Y2k problem in Database-Relative ApplicationSystem, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, 1998,8
Qing Wang ,etl, A System Model ofObject-Oriented Reuse Components Library Manager, Journal of Software , Vol.8,No5. pp391~396, 1997.
Wang Qing,The software QualityManagement in New Century: Challenge and Solution, the first China SoftCon'2003,2003.12
Ying Dong, Mingshu Li, Qing Wang ,A UML Extension of Distributed System, The 2000 International Conference onParallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2000), accepted as aRRR, Paper No.215P, June 26-29 2000, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
Qing Wang, et al, Coping withSoftware Process Dynamics and Agility, Springer LNCS 4470, 2007.5
Qing Wang, et al, Software ProcessChange, Springer LNCS 3966, 2006.5
软件质量保证(Handbook of Software Quality Assurance),2003年,机械工业出版社