所在部门:中国科学院软件研究所 国家基础软件工程研究中心
邮政编码: 100190
2002.9-至今 中国科学院软件研究所,2002年百人计划特聘研究员,博士生导师
1998.10-2002.9 英国格拉斯哥大学(Glasgow University),研究员
1995.7-1998.10 英国赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University),博士后,助研
1987.2-1992.1 天津大学精密仪器系,助教,讲师
王永吉研究员是中国科学院2002年百人计划特聘研究员入选人,博士生导师。2009、2010年国家科学技术奖自然科学奖信息科学评审专家。一直从事有关隐蔽信道、高可信网络技术、软件工程、人工智能、实时系统等方面的研究,并取得多项科研成果。在国内外重要学术刊物和会议上发表100余篇高水平论文。文章多次发表于IEEE会刊、IEE会刊、国际机器人联合会刊(ROBOTICA)、世界工业应用数学学会会刊(SIAM)、International Journal IntelligentData Analysis、Journal of Supercomputing、Journal of Internet Engineering及InternationalJournal of Control等世界一流学术刊物及计算机科学技术学报(JCST),软件学报、自动化学报、电子学报、计算机研究与发展等国内计算机领域一级学术刊物。
(1) 期刊文章
[1] 吴湖,王永吉,王哲,王秀利,杜栓柱.两阶段联合聚类协同过滤算法.软件学报,2010,21(5):1042-1054.http://www.jos.org.cn/1000-9825/3758.htm.
[2] 王永吉,吴敬征,曾海涛,丁丽萍,廖晓锋. 隐蔽信道研究. 软件学报, 2010,21(9):2262-2288.http://www.jos.org.cn/1000-9825/3880.htm.
[3] 辛博坤,王永吉,潘远明,徐帆江.Kaffe在龙芯2E上的移植.计算机工程与设计,2010,31(2): 360-364.
[4] Nasro Min-Allah, Ishtiaq Ali, Jiansheng Xing, Yongji Wang. Utilizationbound for periodic task set with composite deadline. Comput Electr Eng, 2010,36(6): 1101-1109.
[5] 王衍喜,周津慧,王永吉,肖永红,郝丹.一种基于科技文献的学科团队识别方法研究.图书情报工作,2010(已录).
[6] N. Min-Allah, S. U. Khan, and W. Yongji, "Optimal Task Execution Timesfor Periodic Tasks using Nonlinear Constrained Optimization," Journal ofSupercomputing. (To appear)
[7] Shen Zhang, Yongji Wang, Ye Yangand Junchao Xiao. Capability Assessment ofIndividual Software Development Processes Using Software Repositories and DEA.Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5007, 2008, 147-159.
[8] Jian Zhang, Wenhui Zhang, Naijun Zhan, Yidong Shen, Haiming Chen, YunquanZhang, Yongji Wang, Enhua Wu, Hongan Wang and Xueyang Zhu. Basic research incomputer science and software engineering at SKLCS. Frontiers of ComputerScience in China, Review Article, Vol.2, No. 1, March, 2008, 1-11.
[9] Zeng Hai-Tao, Wang Yong-Ji, Ruan Li, Zu W, Cai Jia-Yong, Covert channelmitigation method for secure real-time database using capacity metric. TongxinXuebao/Journal on Communication, 2008, Vol. 29, No. 8, 46-56
[10] Zhou Bo-wen, Ding Li-ping, Wang Yong-ji. Framework of forensic systemagainst intrusion, Application Research of Computers, 2008, Vol.25, No. 4,1117-1119 周博文, 丁丽萍, 王永吉. 面向入侵的取证系统框架. 计算机应用研究, 2008, Vol.25, No. 4 ,1117-1119
[11] Yue Feng, Sun Liang, Wang Kuan-quan, Wang Yong-ji, Zuo Wang-meng,Automatic query classification via constructing semantic lexicon, Journal ofHarbin Institute of Technology, 2008, Vol.40, No.7,1094-1098 岳峰, 孙亮, 王宽全, 王永吉, 左旺孟, 利用构建语义词典的查询自动分类方法, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2008, Vol.40, No.7 ,1094-1098
[12] Wang Bin, Wang Yong- ji, Wang Xiu- li, Design and accomplishing of medicalinstitution preparation manufacturing system, Biomedical Engineering andClinical Medicine, 2008, Vol.12, No.4,338-341 王斌, 王永吉, 王秀利, 生物医学工程与临床, 医院制剂生产管理系统的设计与实现, 2008, Vol.12, No.4,338-341
[13] Hui Zhou, Dan Li, Yongji Wang, Fundamental Problems with Available BandwidthMeasurement Systems. Journal of Software, 2008, Vol.19, No.5,1234-1255 . (inChinese with English abstract)周 辉, 李 丹, 王永吉,可用带宽度量系统中的若干基本问题研究,软件学报, 2008,Vol.19, No.5, 1234-1255.
[14] Feng Yue, Liang Sun, Kuanquan Wang, Yongji Wang, State-of-the-art of ClusterAnalysis of Gene Expression Data. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2008, Vol.34, No.2,113-120. (in Chinese with English abstract)岳峰, 孙亮, 王宽全, 王永吉, 左旺孟,基因表达数据的聚类分析研究进展,自动化学报,2008,Vol.34, No.2, 113-120.
[15] Jiansheng Xing, Yongji Wang, Junxiang Liu, Haitao ZENG, NASRO Min-Allah, AStatic Priority Assignment Algorithm with the Least Number of Priority Levels,Journal of Software, 2007, Vol.18, No.7, 1844-1854 . (in Chinese with Englishabstract) 邢建生,王永吉,刘军祥,曾海涛. 一种静态最少优先级分配算法,软件学报, 2007, Vol.18, No.7, 1844-1854.
[16] 余方,李娟,王晓程,王永吉. 功能点分析方法研究. 计算机科学, 2007, 34(11), 245-251.
[17] Nasro Min-Allah,Yongji Wang,Jiansheng Xing,Wasif,Asad-Raza. TowardsDynamic Voltage Scaling in Real-Time Systems-A Survey. IJCSEC2007,2007, Vol.1,No.2 ,93-103.
[18] Hui Zhou,Yongji Wang. RichMap: Combining the Techniques of BandwidthEstimation and Topology Discovery. Journal of Internet Engineering,2007, Vol.1, No. 2, 102-113.
[19] Liang Sun, Zhao Fang, Yongji Wang, DENCH: A Density-based HierarchicalClustering Algorithm for Gene Expression Data. Chinese Journal of Electronics,2007, Vol. 16, No.1, 24-29.
[20] Xiuli Wang, Yongji Wang, Hui Zhou, CAI Kai-Yuan Optimal Design of AQMRouters with D-Stable Regions Based on ITAE Performance. Journal of Software,2007, Vol.18, No.7,1844-1854. (in Chinese with English abstract)王秀利,王永吉,周辉,蔡开元,基于D稳定域和ITAE准则的主动队列管理算法,软件学报,2007,Vol.18, No.7, 1844-1854.
[21] Liping Ding, Bowen Zhou, Yongji Wang. Capture and Storage of DigitalEvidence Based on Security Operating System. Journal of Software, 2007, Vol.18, No.7, 1715-1729 (in Chinese with English abstract).丁丽萍,周博文,王永吉,基于操作系统的电子证据获取与存储研究,软件学报,2007, Vol.18, No.7, 1715-1729.
[22] Bin Wang, Xudong Tang,Yongji Wang, Xiuli Wang. Designing and accomplishingcontrol system for Chinese tradition medicine prescription. ComputerEngineering and Design, 2007, Vol. 4,No.63, 946-981. 王斌,唐旭东, 王永吉, 王秀利,中药处方配伍监控系统的设计与实现,计算机工程与设计,2007, Vol. 4,No.63, 946-981.
[23] Liang Sun, Fang Zhao, Yongji Wang, DENGENE: High Accurate Density-basedClustering Algorithm for Gene Expression Data. Application Research ofComputers 2007, Vol.4, 800-806. 孙亮,赵芳,王永吉,DENGENE:一种高精度的基于密度的适用于基因表达数据的聚类算法,计算机应用研究, 2007, Vol.4, No.14, 800-806.
[24] Jie Tong, Yongji Wang, Shen Zhang, VCSTalk: DEA-based Tool for Open SourceSoftware Developer's Performance Evaluation Application Research of Computers,2007, Vol.4, 198-202. 童杰,王永吉,张瞫,VCSTalk:基于DEA的开源软件开发人员效率评价工具,计算机应用研究,2007, Vol.4, 198-202.
[25] Junxiang Liu, Yongji Wang, Yuan Wang, Jiansheng Xing, Haitao ZENG.Real-Time system design based on logic OR constrained optimization. Journal ofSoftware, 2006, Vol. 17, No.7, 1641-1649. (in Chinese with English abstract) 刘军祥,王永吉,王源,邢建生,曾海涛,逻辑"或"约束关系优化及在实时系统设计方面的应用,软件学报,2006, Vol. 17,No.7, 1641-1649.
[26] Jie Tong, Yongji Wang, On Gene Circuits: a Survey, Mini-micro Systems.2006, Vol. 27, No. 6,1129-1133. 童杰,王永吉. 基因电路研究综述. 小型微型计算机系统. 2006, Vol. 27, No. 6,1129-1133.
[27] Yunzhi Xue, Wei Chen, Yongji Wang, Chen Zhao, Qing Wang. An automatedapproach for structural test data generation based on Messy GA. Journal ofSoftware, 2006, Vol. 17,No. 8, 1688-1697. (in Chinese with English abstract) 薛云志,陈伟,王永吉,赵琛,王青,一种基于Messy GA的结构测试数据自动生成方法,软件学报,2006, Vol. 17,No. 8,1688-1697.
[28] Liu Jun-Xiang, Wang Yong-Ji, Wang Yuan, Xing Jian-Sheng, Zeng Hai-Tao,Real-Time System Design Based on Logic OR Constrained Optimization, Journal ofSoftware, 2006, Vol.17, No.7, 1641-1649. 刘军祥, 王永吉, 王源, 邢建生, 曾海涛, 基于逻辑"或"约束优化的实时系统设计, 软件学报, 2006, Vol.17, No.7, 1641-1649.
[29] Qiuping Chen , Liguo Wu, Yongji Wang. Design and implementation of JSF-basedgrid portal,Computer Engineering and Design,2006,Vol. 27,No. 19, 3511-3514. 陈秋萍,吴立国,王永吉,基于JSF的网格门户设计与实现,计算机工程与设计,2006,Vol. 27,No. 19,3511-3514.
[30] Yongji Wang, Matthew Cartmell, Qiuming Tao, Han Liu, A GeneralizedReal-Time Obstacle Avoidance Method without the Cspace Calculation, Journal ofComputer Science and Technology (JCST), 2005, Vol. 20, No.6, 774-787.
[31] Chenyong Hu, Benyu Zhang, Yongji Wang, Zheng Chen, Qing Wang, Qiang Yang,Learning quantifiable associations via Principal Sparse Non-negative MatrixFactorization, International Journal Intelligent Data Analysis, 2005, Vol. 9,No.6, 603-620.
[32] Liu Jun-Xiang1, Wang Yong-Ji, Matthew Cartmell, An Improved Rate MonotonicSchedulability Test Algorithm, Journal of Software, 2005, No.1, 89-100. 刘军祥, 王永吉, Matthew Cartmell, 一种改进的RM可调度性判定算法, 软件学报,2005, Vol.16, No.1, 89-100.
[33] Ran He, Yongji Wang, Qing Wang, Jinhui Zhou, Chenyong Hu. An ImprovedParticle Swarm Optimization Based on Self-Adaptive Escape Velocity. Journal ofSoftware, 2005, Vol. 16,No. 12,2036-2044. (in Chinese with English abstract) 赫然,王永吉,王青,周津慧,胡陈勇,一种改进的自适应逃逸微粒群算法及其对比实验分析,软件学报,2005, Vol. 16,No. 12, 2036-2044.
[34] Jiansheng Xing, Junxiang Liu, Yongji Wang, Schedulability Test PerformanceAnalysis of Rate Monotonic Algorithm and Its Extended Ones. Journal of ComputerResearch and Development. 2005, Vol. 42,No. 11,2025-2032. 邢建生,刘军祥,王永吉,RM及其扩展可调度性判定算法性能分析,计算机研究与发展,2005,Vol. 42,No. 11,2025-2032.
[35] 赵万磊,王永吉,张学杰,李娟,一种优化初始中心点的K平均文本聚类算法,计算机应用,2005,25(9),2037-2040.
[36] Xiaoxi Wang, Yongji Wang, Jinhui Zhou, Xiuli Wang, Congestion ControlAlgorithm Based on Improved Model in Large-Delay Networks Acta ElectronicaSinica, 2005,Vol. 33,No. 5,842-846. 王晓曦,王永吉,周津慧,王秀利,基于改进网络模型的大时滞网络拥塞控制算法,电子学报,2005,Vol. 33,No. 5,842-846.
[37] Junxiang Liu, Yongji Wang, Cartmell M. An improved rate monotonicschedulability test algorithm. Journal of Software, 2005, Vol. 16,No. 1,89-100.(in Chinese with English abstract) 刘军祥,王永吉,M. Cartmell,一种改进的RM可调度性判定算法,软件学报,2005,Vol. 16,No. 1,89-100.
[38] Liping Ding, Yongji Wang ,Study on Relevant Law and Technology Issuesabout Computer Forensics, Journal of Software, 2005,Vol. 16,No. 2,260-275. (inChinese with English abstract) 丁丽萍,王永吉,计算机取证的相关法律技术问题研究,软件学报,2005,Vol. 16,No. 2,260-275.
[39] Liping Ding, Yongji Wang , Survey of computer forensics, Journal ofCommunication and Computer, 2005,Vol. 2,No. 8,1-9. 丁丽萍,王永吉,计算机取证研究综述,计算机和通讯,2005,Vol. 2,No. 8,1-9.
[40] 丁丽萍,王永吉,基于网络数据流的计算机取证技术,信息网络安全,2005,Vol. 54,75-76.
[41] 丁丽萍,王永吉,多维计算机取证模型研究,信息安全与通信保密,2005,Vol. 140,60-63.
[42] Liping Ding, Yongji Wang , The principles and steps of computer forensics,Journal of Chinese People's Public Security University(Science and Technology), 2005, Vol. 1, 70-73. 丁丽萍,王永吉,论计算机取证的原则和步骤,中国人民公安大学学报(自然科学版),2005, Vol. 1,70-73.
[43] Yongji Wang, Han Liu, Mingshu Li, Qing Wang, Jinhui Zhou and M. Cartmell,A real-time path planning approach without the computation of Cspace obstacles,Robotica, 2004, Vol. 22, No. 2, 173-187.
[44] Xiaoxi Wang, Jinhui Zhou, Xiuli Wang,Yongji Wang, Function Extension ofNS2 Network Simulator and its Implementation, Mini-Micro Systems, 2004, Vol.25,No. 6,1009-1014. 王晓曦,王秀利,周津慧,王永吉,NS2网络仿真器功能扩展方法及实现,小型微型计算机系统,2004, Vol. 25,No. 6,1009-1014.
[45] Yongji Wang, Qiuping Chen. On schedulability test of rate monotonic andits extendible algorithms. Journal of Software, 2004, Vol. 15,No. 6,799~814.(inChinese with English abstract) 王永吉,陈秋萍,单调速率及其扩展算法的可调度性判定,软件学报,2004, Vol. 15,No. 6,799-814.
[46] Xiuli Wang, Yongji Wang, The Principle and Implementation of a NetworkSimulator with Open Source Code, Computer Engineering and Applications,2004,Vol. 40,No. 15,137-140.王秀利,王永吉,一种开放源代码的网络仿真器的原理与实现,计算机工程与应用,2004,Vol. 40,No. 15,137-140.
[47] M. Schinkel, Yongji Wang and K. J. Hunt, Control of uncertain andparameter-variant piecewise linear systems, International Journal of Control,special issue on hybrid systems, 2002, Vol. 75, No. 161, 368-1375.
[48] Yongji Wang, M. Schinkel, Tilmann Schmitt-Hartmann, and K. J. Hunt, PIDand PID-like controller design by pole assignment within D-stable regions,Asian Journal of Control, special issue on PID Control, 2002, Vol. 4, No. 4,423-432.
[49] Yongji Wang and David M. Lane, Solving a generalized constrainedoptimization problem with both logic AND and OR relationships by a mathematicaltransformation and its application to robot path planning, IEEE Trans. onSystems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Application and Reviews, 2000, Vol. 30,No. 4, 525-536.
[50] Yongji Wang, David M. Lane and Gavin, J. Falconer, Two novel approachesfor unmanned underwater vehicle path planning: constrained optimization andsemi-infinite constrained optimization, Robotica, 2000, Vol. 18, 123-142.
[51] Yongji Wang and Kaiyuan Cai, On a driving hazard problem, The mathematicalgazette, 1999, Vol. 83, No. 497, 226-236.
[52] Yongji Wang and M. P. Cartmell, New model for Passing Sight Distance ontwo-lane highways, ASCE J. of Transportation Engineering, 1998, Vol. 124, No.6, 536-545.
[53] Yongji Wang and M. P. Cartmell, Autonomous vehicle parallel parking designusing function fitting approaches, Robotica, 1998, Vol. 16, No. 2, 159-170.
[54] V. Rigaud, E. Coste Maniere, D.M. Lane, & UNION TEAM, "UNION:Underwater Intelligent Operation and Navigation" IEEE Robotics andAutomation Magazine, 1998, Vol. 5, No. 1, 25-35.
[55] Yongji Wang and M. P. Cartmell, Trajectory generation for four-wheelsteering tractor-trailer system: a two step method, Robotica, 1998, Vol. 16,No. 4, 381-386.
[56] Yongji Wang and David M. Lane, Sub-sea vehicle path planning usingnonlinear programming and constructive solid geometry, IEE Proceedings, Part D,Control Theory and Applications, 1997, Vol. 144, No. 2, 143-152.
[57] Yongji Wang, A note on "Solving the find-pathproblem by good representation of free space", IEEETrans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1997, Vol. 27, No. 4, 723-725.
[58] Yongji Wang, Existence and uniqueness for a variational problem, 1997,SIAM Review, Vol. 40, No. 1, 132-145.
[59] Yongji Wang and J. A. Linnett, Vehicle kinematics and its application tohighway design, ASCE J. of Transportation Engineering, 1995, Vol. 121, No. 1,63-74.
[60] Yongji Wang, J. A. Linnett and J. W. Roberts, Motion feasibility of awheeled vehicle with a steering angle limit, Robotica, 1994, Vol. 12, No. 3,217-226.
[61] Yongji Wang, J. A. Linnett and J. W. Roberts, Kinematics, kinematicconstraints and path planning for wheeled mobile robots, Robotica, 1994, Vol.12, No. 5, 391-400.
[62] Yongji Wang and Changnian Liu, The optimization of design parameters inthe electro-hydraulic servo systems, Construction Machinery and equipment,1989, Vol. 20, No. 8, 24-30 (in Chinese).
[63] Yongji Wang and Changnian Liu, The optimum design of power mechanism withvalve-controlled asymmetric cylinder under arbitrary load, J. Machine Tool andHydraulics, 1988, Vol. 23, 22-26 (in Chinese).
(2) 会议文章
[64] Yongji Wang, Xiuqing Wang. Frequency response bounds for a d.c.motordriven system by considering the inequalities constraints. 2010 InternationalConference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, May 11-12, 2010.Changsha, China.
[65] Xiafeng Liao Yongji Wang, Liping Ding. Discovering Temporal Patterns fromImages using Extended PLSA. International Conference on Multimedia Technology.Ningbo, China; IEEE. 2010.
[66] Xiafeng Liao Yongji Wang, Liping Ding. A Novel Duplicate Images DetectionMethod Based on PLSA Model. 2010 3rd International Conference on Machine Vision(ICMV 2010). Hongkong. 2010.
[67] Jingzheng Wu, Yongji Wang, Liping Ding, Xiaofeng Liao. ImprovingPerformance of Network Covert Timing Channel through Huffman Coding. The 2010FTRA International Symposium on Advances in Cryptography, Security andApplications for Future Computing (ACSA 2010). Gwangju, Korea. Dec 9-11, 2010.
[68] Jingzheng Wu, Yongji Wang, Liping Ding, Yanping Zhang. Constructing Scenarioof Event-Flag Covert Channel in Secure Operating System. 2nd InternationalConference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2010). pp371-375.Hongkong. Dec 28-30, 2010.
[69] Zhe Wang, Yongji Wang, Hu Wu. Tags Meet Ratings: Improving CollaborativeFiltering with Tag-Based Neighborhood Method. Workshop SRS'10, February 7, 2010Hong Kong, China.
[70] Xiuli Wang, Yongji Wang. A Robust AQM Controller design for various DelayNetworks.Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference. 29-31 July 2010,Beijing, China.
[71] Liping Ding, Gujian, Yongji Wang, Jingzheng Wu. Analysis of Telephone CallDetail Records Based on Fuzzy Decision Tree. 3rd International ICST Conferenceon Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information andMultimedia. Shang hai, China. 2010.
[72] Zhang Shen, Wang Yongji, Xiao Junchao. Mining Individual PerformanceIndicators in Collaborative Development Using Software Repositories. 15thAsia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 247-254, December 02-05, 2008,Beijing, CHINA.
[73] Min-Allah, Elahi, M, Xing Jiansheng, Wang Yongji, Enhancing feasibilityanalysis of IEEE 802.5 Token Ring,Wireless and Optical CommunicationsNetworks,2008. WOCN '08. 5th IFIP International Conference on, PublicationDate: 5-7 May 2008, 1-5.
[74] Hu Wu, Yongji Wang, Xiang Cheng, Incremental probabilistic latent semanticanalysis for automatic question recommendation, ACM Conference On RecommenderSystems archive,Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems,Pages 99-106, 2008
[75] Wang, Xiuqing, Hou, Zeng-Guang, Tan, Min, Wang, Yongji, Wang, Xinian,Corridor-Scene Classification for Mobile Robot Using Spiking Neurons, NaturalComputation, 2008. ICNC '08. Fourth International Conference on ,Volume: 4, Onpage(s): 125-129
[76] Nisar, M. Wasif, Wang, Yong-Ji , Elahi, Manzoor, Software DevelopmentEffort Estimation Using Fuzzy Logic - A Survey, Fuzzy Systems and KnowledgeDiscovery, 2008. FSKD '08. Fifth International Conference on ,Volume: 1, Onpage(s): 421-427
[77] Shen Zhang, Yongji Wang, Feng Yuan, Li Ruan。MiningSoftware Repositories to Understand the Performance of IndividualDevelopers,31st Annual International Computer Software and ApplicationsConference (COMPSAC 2007), 625-626, 24-27 July 2007, Beijing, China.
[78] Chengyu Hu, Xiangning Wu, Qingzhong Liang, Yongji Wang: Autonomous RobotPath Planning Based on Swarm Intelligence and Stream Functions. , 7thInternational Conference(ICES 2007), 277-284, September 21-23, 2007, Wuhan,China.
[79] Li Ruan, Yongji Wang, Qing Wang, Mingshu Li, Yun Yang, Lizi Xie, DapengLiu, Haitao Zeng, Shen Zhang, Junchao Xiao, Lei Zhang, M. Wasif Nisar, JianDai: Empirical Study on Benchmarking Software Development Tasks. InternationalConference on Software Process(ICSP 2007), 221-232, May 19-20, 2007,Minneapolis, MN, USA.
[80] Hu Wu, Yongji Wang, Xiaoyong Huai. AttributeNets: An Incremental LearningMethod for Interpretable Classification, 11th Pacific-Asia Conference(PAKDD07),940-947, May 22-25, 2007, Nanjing, China.
[81] Nasro,Yongji Wang,XING Jian-Sheng, LIU Jun-Xiang, Revisiting FixedPriority Techniques,EUC IFIP2007,134-145, December 17-20, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.
[82] Nasro,Kazmi,Ali,Jiansheng Xing,Yongji Wang,Minimizing Response TimeImplication in DVS Scheduling for Low Power Embedded Systems,4th InternationalConference on Innovation Information Technology (ICIIT-07),347-351.
[83] Nasro,Ali,Jiansheng Xing,Yongji Wang。Online Feasibility Analysis with Composite-Deadline,4thInternational Conference on Innovation Information Technology(ICIIT-07),357-361.
[84] Shen Zhang, Yongji Wang, Jie Tong, Jinhui Zhou, Li Ruan, Evaluation ofProject Quality: A DEA-Based Approach, Proceedings of SPW/ProSim 2006, LNCS3966, 88-96, May 2006, Shanghai, China.
[85] Qing Wang, Nan Jiang, Lang Gou, Xia Liu, Mingshu Li, Yongji Wang: BSR: astatistic-based approach for establishing and refining software processperformance baseline. 28th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2006), 585-594, May 20-28, 2006, Shanghai, China.
[86] Xiuli Wang, Yongji Wang, Hui Zhou, QSCM: Engineering QoS in Web-basedSoftware Configuration Management System, In Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACMInternational Conference on Web Intelligence (IEEE/WIC/ACM WI'2006), Published by IEEE Press, 1050-1053, 2006, Hongkong, China.
[87] Xiuli Wang, Yongji Wang, Haitao Zeng, Hui Zhou, Particle SwarmOptimization with Escape Velocity, In proceedings of International Conferenceon Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS'2006),Published by IEEE Press, 457-460, 2006, Guangzhou, China.
[88] Xiuli Wang, Yongji Wang, Hui Zhou, Xiaoyong Huai, PSO-PID: A NovelController for AQM Routers, In proceedings of IEEE and IFIP InternationalConference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (IEEE/IFIP WOCN'2006), Published by IEEE Press, 1-5, 2006, Bangalore, India.
[89] Hui Zhou, Yongji Wang, Xiuli Wang, Xiaoyong Huai, Difficulties inEstimating Available Bandwidth, In proceedings of IEEE International Conferenceon Communications (IEEE ICC'2006), 1-6, 2006, Istanbul,Turkey.
[90] Li Ruan, Yongji Wang, Fengdi Shu, Haitao Zeng, ARIMAmmse: An ImprovedARIMA-based Software Productivity Prediction Method, In proceedings of Int.Computer Software and Applications Conference, Published by IEEE Press,135-138, 2006, Chicago, USA.
[91] M.P. Cartmell, D.I.M. Forehand, M.C. D'Arrigo, D.J. Mckenzie, Yongji Wang,and A.V. Metrikine, Approximate Analytical Solution for a Motorised MomentumExchange Tether on a Circular Earth Orbit, XXXIV Summer School on 'Advanced Problems in Mechanics, 25 June – 1July 2006, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia.
[92] Liping Ding, Qiusong Yang, Liang Sun, Jie Tong, Yongji Wang, Evaluation ofthe Capability of Personal Software Process Based on Data Envelopment Analysis,Proceedings of SPW 2005, LNCS 3840, 235-248, May 2005, Beijing, China.
[93] Hui Zhou, Yongji Wang, Qing Wang, Measuring Internet Bottlenecks:Location, Capacity, and Available Bandwidth, In Proc. International Conferenceon Computer Network and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC 2005), 1052-1062, Aug. 2005,Zhangjiajie, China.
[94] Chenyong Hu, Yongji Wang, Benyu Zhang, Qiang Yang, Qing Wang, Miningquantitative associations in large database, Proceedings of The Seventh AsiaPacific Web Conference (APWEB'2005), 405-416, March 29-April 1, 2005, Shanghai, China.
[95] Liu Han, Tang Qianying, Wang Yongji. A robot path planning approach basedon generalized semi-infinite optimization. 2004 IEEE Conference on Robotics,Automation and Mechatronics, 768-773, December 01-03, 2004, Singapore, Singapore.
[96] Wenjie Li, Mingshu Li, Qing Wang, Yongji Wang, VICOS: A Framework forSession Management in Network Computing Infrastructure, In Proceedings of the2004 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'04), 647-650, September 15-18, 2004, Shanghai, China.
[97] E.Mouterde, M.P.Cartmell, and Y.Wang, Computational Simulation of FeedbackLinearised Control of a Motorised Momentum Exchange Tether on a Circular EarthOrbit, by invited paper for Keynote Address in the Computational Methods inNonlinear Dynamics, Symposium of the sixth World Congress on ComputationalMechanics, 498-505, September 5-10, 2004, Beijing, P.R.China.
[98] Yongji Wang, Xiuli Wang, Jinhui Zhou, Xiaoxi Wang, Congestion control ofAQM routers by an improved PID controller, In Proceedings of the FourthInternational Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital SignalProcessing (CSNDSP'2004), Co-Sponsored by: IEEECommunications Society, and IEE, 322-325, July 20-22, 2004, Newcastle, UK.
[99] Liu Han, Yang Xiaolin, Zhang Ji, Wang Yongji. Generalized semi-infiniteoptimization and its application in robotics' path planning problem.Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IC-AI'04), 1147-1153, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
[100] Yongji Wang; M. Schinkel; K. J. Hunt, An engineering approach tosimultaneous stabilisation and strong simultaneous stabilisation with Dstability, In the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2001, December4-7, 2001, Florida, USA.
[101] Y. Wang; T. Schmitt-Hartmann; M. Schinkel; K. J. Hunt, A new approach tosimultaneous stabilisation with D stability and its application to control ofantilock braking systems, In Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC),612-617, 2001, 4-7 September, 2001, Portugal.
[102] Yongji Wang and K. J. Hunt, The calculation of stability radius with Dstability region and non-linear coefficients, Proceedings of 3rd IFAC Symposiumon Robust Control Design (ROCOND) 2000, 240-246, June 21-23, 2000, CzechRepublic.
[103] Michael Schinkel, Yongji Wang, Kenneth J. Hunt, Stable and robust statefeedback design for hybrid systems, Proceedings of the American ControlConference 2000 (ACC 2000), pp. 215-219, Chicago, USA.
[104] Y Petillot, I Tena Ruiz, D. M. Lane, Yongji Wang, M. Trucco, and N.Pican, Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Using a Multi-Beam Forward LookingSonar, Proceedings of IEEE/OES OCEANS 98, 1194-1199, 29 Sept.-1 Oct., 1998,Nice, France.
[105] Yongji Wang and D. M. Lane, Path planning for underwater vehicles usingconstrained optimization, Oceanology International 98, The global Ocean, Vol.3, 175-186, 10-13 March, 1998, Brighton, U. K.
[106] Yongji Wang and D. M. Lane, A new robot path planning approach usingconstrained optimization with both logic AND and OR constraints, Proc. of the1998 Chinese Automation Conference in the UK, 191-197, 19-20th Sept. 1998,Leicester, England.
[107] M. P. Cartmell and Yongji Wang, An overtaking model and the determinationof safe passing sight distance for cars and trucks, Proceedings of the 30thInternational Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA),207-214, 16-19th, June, 1997, Florence, Italy.
[108] D. M. Lane, J. B. C. Davies, G. Robinson, D. J. O'Brien, M. Pickett, D.Jones, Yongji Wang, G. Casalino, G. Bartolini, G. Cannata, A. Ferrara, D.Angelleti, M. Coccoli, G. Veruggio, R. Bono, P. Virgili, G. Bruzzone, M.Canals, R. Pallas, E. Gracia, C. Smith, AMADEUS: Advanced Manipulator for DeepUnderwater Sampling, 1997 IEEE international conference on Robotics andAutomation, 2145-2151, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1997, USA.
[109] Yongji Wang and S. Z. Li, How to move a mobile robot around a corner,Proceedings of International Conf. on Mechanical Transmissions &Mechanisms(MTM'97), 912-916, 1st-4th July, 1997,Tianjin, China.
[110] Yongji Wang, J. A. Linnett and J. W. Roberts, A unified approach toinverse and direct kinematics for four kinds of wheeled mobile robots, 1996IEEE international conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3, 3458-3465,April 22-28, 1996, Minnesota, USA.
[111] Yongji Wang, Nonholonomic motion planning: a polynomial fitting approach,1996 IEEE international conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3,2956-2961, April 22-28, 1996, Minnesota, USA.
[112] Yongji Wang and J. A. Linnett, On the maneuvering problems of wheeledvehicles, Proc. of the First Conference of the Chinese Society of Electricaland Electronic Engineering in the United Kingdom, 34-40, 1993.
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[113] K. Hunt, Y. Wang, M. Schinkel, and T. Schmitt-Hartmann, Controller designfor hybrid systems using simultaneous D-stabilisation technique and itsapplication to Anti-lock Braking systems (ABS), In the book: Nonlinear andHybrid Systems in Automotive Control, 2003, pp. 97-124, Edited by RolfJohansson and Anders Rantzer, Springer-Verlag, London.