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2006.09-2011.06 中国科学技术大学 电子工程与信息科学系 博士
2002.09-2006.07 中国科学技术大学 教学改革试点班,计算机方向 学士
2012.04—至今 广州软件应用技术研究院 智慧城市研究中心 主任
2010.07-2012.04 香港理工大学电子计算系 研究助理
2007.08-2010.06 微软亚洲研究院多媒体计算组
[1]H. Xu, J. Wang, X.S. Hua, and S. Li, “Hybrid image summarization,” ACM Multimedia 2011.
[2]H. Xu, J. Wang, Z. Li, G. Zeng, S. Li and N. Yu, “Complementary hashing for approximate nearest neighbor search,” ICCV 2011.
[3]H. Xu, J. Wang, X.S. Hua, and S. Li, “Image search by concept map,” SIGIR 2010, pp. 275–282.
[4]H. Xu, J. Wang, X.S. Hua, and S. Li, “Interactive image search by 2D semantic map,” WWW 2010, pp. 1321–1324.
[5]H. Xu, J. Wang, X.S. Hua, and S. Li, “Summarizing tagged image collections by cross-media representativeness voting,” ICME 2009, pp. 922–925.
[6]H. Xu, J. Wang, X.S. Hua, and S. Li, “Tag refinement by regularized LDA,” ACM Multimedia 2009, pp. 573–576.
[7]H. Xu, J. Xu, and F. Wu, “A post-compensation scheme for Nonlocal Means filter based image restoration,” ICIP 2008, pp. 545–548.
[8]H. Xu, J. Xu, and F. Wu, “On the biased estimation of nonlocal means filter,” ICME 2008, pp. 1149–1152.
[9]H. Xu, J. Xu, and F. Wu, “Lifting-based directional DCT-like transform for image coding,” T-CSVT 2007, pp. 1325–1335.
[1]J. Wang, X.S. Hua, S. Li, and H. Xu, “Contextual Image Search,” Pending U.S. Patent 12/696591, filed Jan. 29, 2010.
[2]X.S. Hua, J. Wang, and H. Xu, “Concept-Structured Image Search,” Pending U.S. Patent 12/565313, filed Sep. 23, 2009.
[3]J. Wang, X.S. Hua, S. Li, and H. Xu, “Computing Visual and Textual Summaries for Tagged Image Collections,” Pending U.S. Patent 12/436783, filed May. 7, 2009.
[4]J. Xu, F. Wu, and H. Xu, “Directional And Motion-Compensated Discrete Cosine Transformation,” Pending U.S. Patent 11/550251, filed Oct. 17, 2006.